Sunday, October 23, 2011

Making Research more Visible

Today, most of the research work/outputs are gathering dust in libraries.The government and policy makers don't have concern about the research outcome of the universities. We need to rethink about the effective usefulness of research outcome. If we talk more and debate and manage to have one intergovernmental policy debates about the research outcome once in a year with the researchers, policy makers and those who will implement it. We can have a open discussion about the usefulness of the research in policy arena to be implemented in various sectors.

The 2008 Research Strategy of the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) states that the ‘critical issue for the future is how to improve researchers’ effectiveness in producing outputs that directly and indirectly change
both policy and practice, are truly relevant to poor people’s needs, and
are effectively taken up.

Now, most of the works are gathering the dust in libraries as archives and researchers are using that as the achievement or getting new papers published. Can we ask ourselves, do we have some more responsibilities than just publishing. I think UGC should also step in thin issue. Common people don't know...What is Monetary Policy is and Fiscal Policy is...that's why they believe in herd race and Government don't need more intelligent animals than hurd racer otherwise they can't make fools to the people for more than 60years.

Lets ask the government to open one section of the media as research media,where researcher will tell the people openly about their research. Some of the Key Findings of PANOS LONDON ILLUMINATING VOICE report are as follows-

Drawing on available research and evidence from the field, this briefing
finds that the political and institutional context, including the degree
of representativeness of government and the vibrancy of civil society, is important to understanding the capacity of the media to generate public debate around research and evidence, and to influence policy outcomes. The following factors strengthen the capacity of the media to do so:
$$ the capacity of journalists to use research to create stories that
capture the public’s interest and are related to existing and emerging policy-making agendas
$$ the capacity of researchers to produce policy-relevant research and
to work with intermediaries to present such research in a way that the media can use
$$ the capacity of civil society activists to pick up policy-related research
and drive public debate around it
$$ the strength of the relationships among these actors – journalists,civil society activists and researchers – and their associated
organisations, and the degree of openness and trust among them.

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