Saturday, March 19, 2011

Chinese Food in Indian Village

Hi Friends,

I don't know whether, any of our food can be find in Chinese villages, but we do find Chinese food in Indian Villages as the picture depicts. We have various nutritious food available in village areas. In fact, food grown in village areas are the most nutritious now a days, as villages don't grow and eat the injected foods. Can we say this that, we are increasing food dependency to other countries or it's just the effect of globalization.
Recent research also depicts that, as the income of the Indians increasing they spend less in food items such as pulses, and nutritious foods than the clothes and other luxury items. However, their dependency has increased in Mcdonald and other YO China items. It seems that, our slavery, somehow increasing towards the junk food.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Economics of Trafficking

Dear Friends,
In this age of Globalization...we know that, world has become a village. But in this village, there is multidimensional war across different family of the village.......where people are rational, who always look for the chance of pulling the carpet under the feet of others ans show themselves above them. In this age we cut others leg to show oneself longer, rather than trying better only for oneself. Between these hustle-bustle within the village, there are big gulf between poor and rich.

On the one hand we see that, rich can buy anything he wants....that is even if he needs kidney. And poor can sell any thing to survive. Economists are happy now, because they get the concept of demand and supply here as well. But welfare criteria of Rawls is dissapeared. That is trying to make better of to the poorest one is gone, the moment we start demand and supply of human organs. Again we would like to tell the best price of the poor he can sell, but we won't tell, whether organs are at all unsaleable. Since, there is no market for these products....but there is always black market for precious good, where one can make huge money. So, this trading start either by recruiting people as a labour the remote rural areas and kidnapping kids from urban slums. They are brought, in the cities and sent to Saudi Arab etc. Apart from this some other form of economics of trafficking can be seen in following links-

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Water.... Water....Water............Whats your colour

Dear Friends,

I am going write about the water crisis in India in general and Jharkhand in particular. There is huge shortage of water going to happen in Jharkhand this year. In my recent visit, I have found that in many parts of the state at least half of the ponds and wells are dried up. Ground water has really gone down....firstly because of less rain in that region in last few years.

I would like to request every citizen of Jharkhand and particularly CMs to concentrate finding solution for water problem rather than industrialization of Jharkhand. Everyone know the importance of these factors are the necessary conditions for industries to be developed.

I am not providing any evidence, but my eyes are witness.....if we don't care for our future now, then we can not dream for our future for long. In many places of Jharkhand I saw that, ponds and wells are being dug up in plateau and hilly regions where one can not find matter big effort he puts on.

Please plant the trees save the trees and try to understand the cyclical phenomenon of weather. My point says that there is no global warming, but it is just the cyclical phenomenon of environment. For example, recently, we heard that earth leaned some degree to it's axis after Fukushima earthquake-that is, this is the way earth will keep on changing it position, so it will start affecting the weather. I mean hot places will keep on cooling and vice-versa. I mean, it will keep on changing so of course we can not stop it, but what we can do is.............we can make it slow..................thank you

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Open letter to Vice Chancellor and Registrar, Ranchi University

Dear Mr. VC and Registrar,

This is Ganesh Manjhi, a Ph.D student from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. I have applied for my transcript one week before. What is the innovation that you are doing, that it took too long for you to make my transcript. Do you ever thought how slow you work. Do you want to make your university world class.....or you don't at all want to dream. It has become the rule of the university, that every work take you at least a week. Are you interested to come out of the old traditioned babuism or its fine(chalta hai). If you don't want to dream then you should leave the place and should give the post to efficient people. since, if you keep on doing the work, the way it's happening, people like me will keep on suffering. If you can not work for the better future of students.....why you should be VC or registrar. This is start, I will keep on slapping you people, if you proceed your old BABUISM.


Ganesh "Eklavya"

Japan we are with you with message

Dear Friend,
I would like to send message to Japanese people that, we are praying for their betterment and struggle that they are doing in the wake of big natural devastation. We have full emotional support with you and we would like to pray to the God for your quick and better recovery.
Friend, this is not to blame Japan but I want to say that power of the nature is irresistible and we can not win it no matter how hard we try. So grow with nature, respect the nature, don't harm it, don't encroach unnecessarily. After looking the devastation at Japan, we started looking at our clothes. I mean, Mr. Prime minister has ordered the for safety check of Indian nuclear reactor. Similarly, one of the most sensible earthquake zone Delhi started looking it's sands palace curiously. Its very easy to observe the consequences if Earthquake comes in Delhi the way and the buildings are made.
World bank and many other has already said that, India will be facing water shortage by 2020. But its seems to far to me. I mean water shortage has already started in many regions, for example-Chhotanagpur plateau of Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhatishgarh...some part of Rajasthan.AIn my recent visit i saw that most rivers in Jharkhand are, at the same time government of Jharkhand has done 100s of contract with Industrialist to provide them water, Fuel and land. If this happen then Chhotanagpur will be the place where any one can survive. There are various shocks nature is ready to give.....these Tsunami are trailer. Even after these lessons, we don't want to learn......then you cutting your leg by your own axes. I just want to say save the nature, respect the nature to save and respect us.